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Lion's Mane mushroom recipes and tips for powdered nootropic mushroom supplements

by vybey UK |

(This is the second instalment of our series on lion's mane mushroom and its uses, read part one here for our vybey UK lion's mane mushroom nootropic information) 

Lion's mane mushroom, as you may know, is an ancient medicinal and gastronomical ingredient in both foods and drinks in the East. Historically it's applications have been centred around improving concentration, improving (gut and immune system) health and as a delicacy within certain meals. However, with the advancement of scientific literature into the properties of lion's mane, even more benefits have been found to accrue from regular use of the fungi. Alongside demonstrating the accuracy of (some) old time wisdom, peer reviewed experiments have also found astonishing properties contained within lion's manes' mycelia stratum (the root and nervous system of the shroom). 

When both the mycelium and the fruiting body of the mushroom are combined, the full extent of its benefits can be attained. This is what is contained within most good quality lion's mane supplements - like our powder and capsule products - and should be seen as a mark of quality for any purchasers. For this reason, many dried mushrooms will not contain the full potential that an extract powder or capsule would. The dried mushroom tends to be used for culinary purposes, or to complement a lion's mane regime of powder, capsules or fresh mushroom. We went through the science, quality control and administration of the mushroom in our last blog. Now we want to run through some recipes with you for powdered or dried lion's mane mushrooms.

Lion’s Mane tea:

When using powdered lion’s mane, the easiest way to administer the supplement is by adding it to tea or coffees. 

Simply make the beverage of your choice and then add lion’s mane powder while it is still hot. Make sure you don’t add lion's mane to recently boiled water; wait at least 30 seconds before adding the powder to ensure it doesn’t burn. 

As powdered lion’s mane has a slightly chocolatey flavour, it works well with other sweet hot drinks, though it is bland enough to add to most drinks without changing the taste significantly. 

Lion’s Mane coffee:

The mushroom's flavour profile also lends itself to slightly sweeter smoothies or shakes. If you want to try this then just add your scoop of powdered lion’s to any smoothie/shake and mix vigorously. This works with fruit and veg-based smoothies, meal replacement shakes or even just a milkshake mix. 

Blend the following ingredients:

  • 1 tsp of powdered lion’s mane
  • a dash of honey or syrup
  • 1 tsp Cacao powder
  • 1 ½ tsp cinnamon

Then add hot milk (if desired) and coffee into your chosen cup and add the blended powder to it.

Quick Chicken and Mushroom Soup

Note: This recipe can also be vegetarian/vegan – just substitute chicken for jackfruit or head out to an east-Asian store for mock chicken made from traditional soy or tempeh

  • 2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 carrot(s)
  • 2 or 3 celery stalks
  • ½ onion
  • 1-5 garlic clove (the more the better.. if you like garlic)
  • 2 whole dried lion’s head mushrooms or 4 to 5 teaspoons of powdered mushroom
  • 1/2 tsp fresh thyme
  • 1 cup vegetable broth
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 or 3 chicken breasts or 1 can jackfruit / mock chicken


  1. Heat oil in a pan and add onions, carrots, celery, garlic and mushrooms (tip: mushrooms have higher water content and fry better at low heats)
  2. After the veg has softened, raise heat for 5 minutes and allow the rest of the liquid to evaporate
  3. Add the broth alongside water and the chicken or substitute – bring pot to a boil and stir throughout
  4. When the water has reached boiling point reduce the heat to a simmer, leaving the lid off, and stir occasionally for the next 15-20 minutes
  5. Check that chicken is tender and cooked through (if used) before serving – remember to garnish with salt and pepper to taste


Larger, Potato-based Lion’s Head Mushroom Soup for 8

This broth takes on potatoes to build up a hearty base which will fill you full of vigour.

    • 7 scoops of lion’s mane mushroom powder or 7 to 8 dried mushrooms
    • 8 medium potatoes (chopped small but not cubed)
    • 1 onion, diced
    • 3 cloves garlic
    • Heads of two large broccoli
    • 3 tbsp olive oil 
    • 4 cups water 
    • 1 cup boiling water
    • 2 vegetable stock cubes
    • Garnish with lemon juice, lime juice, olive oil drizzle
    • Sea salt and black pepper to taste
    • ½ cup parsley or thyme, chopped (optional for flavour of soup, don’t use if adding below ingredients)
    • 1 spoon harrisa paste OR 2 large spoons marinated Enikotake Mushrooms and 2 tablespoons Soy sauce (depending on what flavour you after, we would recommend harissa for a warming, sunny day and Enikotake for a richer broth)


      1. Heat oil in a soup pot and sauté the onion, potato, and garlic. Cook on medium heat, stirring regularly
      2. Add lion’s mane, broccoli, salt and pepper. If using a lion's mane powder, add in a small quantity of water at this point. If using dried lion's mane, only add water if it looks set to hit a high temperature. If using enikotake mushrooms or other additions, now is the time.
      3. Make stock in a separate container using only one cup water
      4. Add room temperature water to soup pot. Stir then bring to a boil for two to three minutes. 
      5. Add in the stock cube mixture with hot water. Here you can add in pastes or flavourings like harissa or soy sauce.
      6. Reduce heat and let simmer for 30 - 40 minutes, stirring occasionally, while leaving the lid off 
      7. Before serving add salt and pepper to taste (be aware if you have added soy sauce less salt is required) and garnish with olive oil if you haven’t already added soy sauce or other conflicting flavours


      Lion’s Mane in a shake or smoothie

      Lion’s mane powder can also be added to any fruit or veg-based smoothie or into a meal replacement for an extra nootropic kick.

      We would recommend the following:

      • 1 tsp of lion’s mane powder
      • 1 scoop of vybey Vanilla and 1 scoop of vybey Chocolate Caramel (or 2 scoops of either)
      • 1 full banana
      • 1 tsp maple syrup or agave syrup
      • 1 tbsp of cacao powder

      Give it a good shake and you're good to go!


      Lion’s mane mushrooms are one of the most versatile choices for nootropic supplements. Besides their varied consumption methods, the fungi also possess a range of beneficial health properties making them a premium ingredient within the nootropic industry. Check out our other blog post for a greater dive into the many benefits available through our supplements.