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Find Out Which vybey Personality You Are

by vybey |

Our products appeal a wide range of personalities, so don’t worry, you don’t need to be a world class athlete or gym bunny to get the benefits from vybey’s UK meal replacement shake. Scroll down to find out which vybey personality you are.


As the athlete you are always making sure that your body is in top condition. You are disciplined and work out multiple times a week whilst also taking nutrition seriously. You regularly use vybey powders to make sure your body is getting exactly what it needs for the results you are after!

Plant Based Eater

You are an individual that wants to contribute to a 'greener world'. You care about the well-being and protection of animals but you don't want to compromise on your own nutritional needs. Therefore you enjoy vybey meal replacement powders with a clean conscious, knowing they are providing you complete nutrition whilst made from ethical and sustainable sources.

Clean Eater

You look after your body and ensure to fuel it in the right way. Staying away from junk food and fast food and sticking with clean eating. Your physical and mental health are in perfect harmony and you strive to maintain it. Routines are a pivotal aspect of your life and a nutritious diet is vital to that.


As a young professional you are ambitious to climb the career ladder. You are aiming for success and you know you need to fuel your body in the right way to keep your performance levels high. To aid this you choose convenient, healthy meals to maximise nutrition. This allows you to remain in good health whilst working hard to reach those career goals.


Verdansk is waiting, who has the time to prepare and cook a meal? Victory is at stake and that's the true goal here! You realise that a nutritious meal can help to aid both physical and mental performance so a take-away wont do. Battles can be won on fine margins so you down a tasty vybey shake to fuel your body with nutrients and get back to join the troops.


You are always running out of time as you are focused on studying and working part time to pay for rent. Cooking nutritious meals? Who has time for that!? Plus, cooking healthy meals is expensive! With a vybey shake you know you're fuelling your body right and paying from as little as £1.32 per meal to do so.

Busy Parent

The urgent takes priority over the important. If there are two words that sum up the life of a parent its got to be: "too busy". Having to juggle a family, house work, career and even a healthy diet. Many parents prioritise more urgent matters such as taking care of the kids in exchange for their own health. However with the nutritious and vitamin packed vybey shake, parents are able to take care of their loved ones whilst also giving their body the fuel it needs.

Life of the Party

Living the life of the party is no easy task. After each party you attend, you aren't getting any younger and the hangovers are lingering for longer periods of time... However by starting the next day with a vybey shake you know you're getting a nutritious meal in to try and help you feel human again. Did somebody say round 2?


The innovators are individuals that love to adopt the latest developments and technological advancements. They want to be as efficient as possible with just about everything. Whether that'd be exercising, doing their job or nutritional needs. It's all about time optimization and efficiency! This way, innovators are able to focus their limited time learning more about the latest products or what's happening in the world.