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Braincare Smart Greens vs. Supplements

by Hamza Jamal |

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can often be difficult - creating new, exciting, and healthy meals that you know will provide your body with all the necessary nutrients it needs can often feel a bit like labour - tiring and time consuming.

This is why many consumers turn to supplements (Vitamin A, B, C etc.) and a lot of the time now super greens to ensure their body is getting all the supportive nutrients it needs every day in order to function effectively and protect itself in the long run.

However, a question not often considered is: how beneficial or even efficient can taking 15 different capsules a day really be?

Price is often a main concern that affects a purchasing decision, here at vybey we don't want that to be the case when it comes to your health.

One major difference we knew needed to change when it came to supplements was price.

With the purchase of individual supplements such as Vitamin A, B, C, D, iron and omega 3, it can cost upwards of £120 a month in order for your body to receive all the correct nutrients it needs.

Prices like these can be scary and lead to customers averting away from making purchases that benefit their health.

Braincare Smart Greens

This is where our super greens come in. When choosing our Braincare Smart Greens you can save £70 a month, at just £49.99 per month our consumers are able to feed their bodies multiple greens, vitamins, minerals, adaptogens and nootropics every day.

With one scoop a day your body can be given the best opportunity to reach its optimal performance capacity, tackling the day ahead, whilst also providing you with lasting health benefits.

A scoop of super greens a day can provide our bodies with a potent blend of greens, vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, and nootropics, all in one convenient product. And unlike traditional supplements, super greens are made from whole-food sources, ensuring that we are getting the most bioavailable forms of the nutrients our bodies need.

Further issues faced with the purchase of supplements is the selection process. How as consumers are we meant to know which ones are going to benefit us the most?

There are many different factors that consumers are not made aware of when purchasing supplements, each of which have the ability to affect the performance of these supplements on your body.

But what are these factors and how can they affect us?

Fillers and undesirable materials

  • Used to make the capsule look fuller.
  • Can include ingredients such as titanium dioxide creating free radicals causing trouble for our immune system.


  • Used to hold supplement capsules together.
  • Binders often used are insoluble or disruptive to your body causing gut inflammation.


  • Similar to binders, whilst also making the supplement easier for consumers to swallow.
  • Gelatin is often used, and vegan/vegetarian consumers must check packaging before consumption.

Artificial colourings and flavours

  • Used to make supplements look more appealing or taste better.
  • Ingredients used to create these effects have been reported to cause side effects such as sleep issues, migraines, headaches, and cause toxicity.

Flow agents

  • Used during production to ensure ingredients don't clump together.
  • Often non-medical ingredients such as talc (yes! talcum powder) which can cause irritable bowels or magnesium stearate which has been found to block the absorption of key vitamins and minerals.

Checking each and every package to ensure the ingredients they use are beneficial for your body is incredibly time consuming and yet another reason why consumers would put the product down and walk away.


At vybey each one of our products is created and checked alongside medical professionals such as doctors and nutritionists, including our Braincare Smart Greens. This way when we deliver our consumers with a product, we know just how beneficial it is going to be.

Try our Braincare Smart Greens for yourself and see exactly what we’re raving about! Let us know how you get on.